no small apology

Nicky Dee
1 min readJun 7, 2022
Photo by Erico Marcelino on Unsplash

a low moan
whining air time
through the anxious bowels
of it’s-all-on-the-line

is nothing embarrassing
or controllable anymore

statements can be questions
and all the while
the answers
are easier to avoid
in These Days of error
through trial

does this make any sense

when relevant action
is no longer well-to-do
or respected


or is it respectful enough
because it goes both ways
you see?!

maybe don’t ask…

once upon a time
i was shamed
and was ashamed
or at the very least
awfully uncomfortable

you know

for myself
for you
and for us

These Days
i don’t care to care
quite so much

no more political apologies
i’m awfully sorries
or supernatural silences
to appease and protect
a drowning society
sinking in brutality and suffering
that’s wilfully, selectively

or ignored

humanity somehow stands

to gain.

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